Winter Trail Report: Monday, December 21, 2020

It's the deepest snow and the shortest day! Happy Solstice Everyone!!

Thanks to Scott Harrington for getting the parking lots plowed at Camp Saratoga, and thanks to all the intrepid snowshoers and skiers who blazed the trails at Camp Saratoga for all the rest of the trail users!

Our ungroomed trails!

Our ungroomed trails!

With the warmer temperatures, the snow is settling and compacting and we should be able to groom once it is below freezing again. Our plan is to roll the trail on Tuesday morning while it is still below freezing. If we can we will also use the groomer. Our hope is to preserve the snow and the base before the rain comes in on Thursday!

Get out and enjoy while you can, the conditions are really wonderful!


Winter Trail Report: Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Winter Trail Report for Saturday, December 19, 2020 - Calling all Snowshoers!