Wild About Blue - Our Annual Fall Fundraiser
SAVE THE DATE FOR 2025 - October 12 at the Wishing Well
Wild About Blue 2024 Was a Huge Success!
We raised almost $45,000!!
Thank you to our Generous Auction Donors!!
9 Miles East; Adelphi Hotel: Adirondack Mountain Club; Adirondack Experience Museum at Blue Mountain Lake; Adirondack Hotel at Long Lake; Albany Pine Bush Preserve; Allyson Paradis; Argyle Brewing Company; Ashley Halsey; Bakery Suzanne; Ballard Wine and Spirits; Bob Lippman; Bradley Birge; Caffe Lena; Candice Murray; Caroline and Main; Catherine Minnery; Chez Pierre; Connie Lawrie; Day Dream Farmer; Dion/Nevitrek Snowshoes; Druthers Brewing Company; DZ Restaurants; East Side Wine and Spirits; Four Seasons Natural Foods; Graham’s Coffee Parlor; Grey Ghost Bicycles: Hewitt’s Garden Center; Hildene; Hot Yoga; Howard Lester; Jabebo Studio; Janie Ames; Jeff Olson; Jen Ferriss; Joe Sporko; Jones and 50 Wine and Spirits; Kayak Shak; Kim Marsella; Lake George Steamboat Company; Lapland Lake; Larry Dana; Lifestyles: Linda Baker; Lisa Reepmeyer; Marne Onderdonk; Mary Braz; Matthew Miczek; Nina Russo; Olde Bryan Inn; Page Darrow; Purdy’s Discount Wine and Liquor; Rock Hill Bakery; Saratoga Arms Hotel; Saratoga Outdoors, Saratoga Performing Arts Center; Shelburne Museum; Spa City Wine and Spirits: Steve Wilcox; Sundae’s Best Hot Fudge; Sweet Mimi’s; Tannery Pond Community Center; Wild Birds Unlimited; Wolf’s Hollow Brewing
Your Support Matters:
We count on Wild About Blue to provide operating funds to continue our mission-driven work in environmental education, outdoor recreation, and conservation. We are most proud of our year-round environmental education programs for all ages and interests. We also help maintain more than 25 miles of recreational trails and support conservation of the habitats for threatened and endangered species, particularly the Karner blue butterfly.
2024 Metamorphosis Award Honoring Maria and Mark Dailey:
This award was created to recognize people who have created transformative change in our community. This year we are honoring Maria and Mark Dailey, who established The Christopher Dailey Foundation in memory of their son. They turned their personal loss into meaningful and impactful projects in our community. The Christopher Dailey Memorial Youth Gymnasium that they built at Gavin Park serves many thousands of people each year, improving their health and bringing people together in positive ways through sports and other activities. Their Annual Turkey Trot and Golf Tournament raise funds to support organizations that serve youth, focusing on those with disabilities or who face other challenges in life. Mark and Maria have created positive and dramatic changes in so many ways in our community and we are delighted that they are our honorees this year!
Metamorphosis Award
This award was created to recognize people who have helped to create transformative change in our community.
Past Metamorphosis Awardees
Joe Bruchac
Laura Clark
Larry Gordon
Art Johnson
Lake Avenue School Outdoor Education Program
Heather Mabee
Kathy O’Brien
Bob Rice
Maria Trabka
Jane Adams Wait
The Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park is a non-profit organization under section 501c(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax deductible. A copy of the latest annual report can be obtained by writing to the Office of the Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 12071.
Join the Honorary Committee for Wild About Blue:
Please make your commitment to the Honorary Committee today and we will be well on our way to our goal! Honorary Committee members are listed on our website and on social media.
_____ $2,000 Visionary (includes a reserved table for 12)
_____ $1,500 Conservationist (includes a reserved table for 8)
_____ $1,000 Naturalist (includes 6 reservations)
_____ $700 Steward (includes 4 reservations)
_____ $500 Guardian (includes 3 reservations)
_____ $300 Protector (includes 2 reservations)
_____ $100 Individual Ticket
Profound Appreciation to the Generous Honorary Committee Donors for 2024 Wild About Blue (as of 10/17)
Lemery Greisler, LLC
Will Aldrich
Marne Onderdonk
Charlie Pickett and Kathleen Rehl
Steve Wilcox and Susan Mehalick
Anne and Ethan Winter
Linda Baker
Kerry and John Conley
Christopher Dailey Foundation
Tony and Rachel Krackeler
MJ Engineering
Redbud Development
Scotty’s – Exit 16 – The Parillo Family
Anchor QEA
Jennifer Benaman and Drew Roginski
Stephen Dempsey and Jenn Hunt Dempsey
Jack Hay, Cathy Hay, and Terri Lynn Pellegri
Marti and Greg Laird
Howard Lester
Kim Marsella and Blue Niels
Marshall and Sterling
Ralph and Jean Pascucci, Myriad Productions
Bob and Debbie Rice
Lucy R. Waletzky M.D.
Wild Birds Unlimited of Saratoga Springs
Adirondack Trust Company & Amsure
Heath and Jeff Ames
Belmonte Builders
Bradley Birge and Lana Earle
C.T. Male Associates
D.A. Collins
Larry and Maureen Dana
Amy Durland
Rick Fenton and Hollyday Hammond
Jen and Chris Ferris
Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company
Amy Godine and Jack Nicholson
Jackie Hakes
Sally Hart
George and Becky Hodgson
Chip Kilduff and Kathleen O’Connor
Tom and Joanne Klepetar
Amy Knoeller and James North
John and Lucile Koch
Kodiak Construction
Heather and Tim Mabee
McPadden Builders
Douglas Meyer and Lee McGoldrick
Matthew Miczek and Ann Marie Przywara
Ray Miller and Deborah June-Miller
Jim and Linda Morzillo
Munter Enterprises Inc.
Ray and Mary O’Conor
Walter and Margaret Reidy
Nina Russo
Saratoga Veterinary Hospital
Jim and Sandra Sculli
Kurt Smemo and Wendy Mahaney
Natalie and Norm Smith
Stewart’s Shops
Congressman Paul D. Tonko
Pat Tuz and Jon Weilbaker
Trish Watkins
Pam Abrams and Paul Kligfield
Robin Ambrosino
Mark Baker
Andrew Beers
Ken and Danette Bishop
Bill and Lisa Bolland
Patricia Brady
Lisa Brogan
John and Jean Buhac
Christopher Camarata
Laura Clark
Bryan and Marybeth Dailey
Richard Dunham
Anne and Jess Ernst
Bob Fagan
Larry and Ronda Fein
Bruce Goodale
Arthur and Julie Holmberg
Maureen Kabanuk
Melissa and Mike King
Ed and Janet Lindner
Nancy and Hugh Miles
Kellie Milne and Thomas Khaivallan
Meghan Paradis
Richard Pine
Burt Porter and Katie Hooper
John and Sue Lant
John and Kari Roessner
Tom and Kristie Roohan – Roohan Realty
The Solinsky Family
Andrea Wise