In-person Pond Exploration and Nature Arts Hours to Begin

While we have found it inspiring to find new ways to connect with our community in the virtual world, we are delighted that we are finally ready to connect again in the natural world.

We have assessed our programs and determined which can be done safely, meeting the Governors' guidelines and which ones can't.

On July 23 we will be offering our popular Pond Exploration on Thursdays and Fridays to allow for fewer participants.  On Tuesday, July 28, we will be starting up our Nature Arts Hours.  Everyone must register for our programs so that we can make sure to keep the numbers in the proper range. 

Unfortunately for now, we will not be able to have our Wellness Walks or Nature Walks, and the Historic Cornell Hill Fire Tower will not be open. As always, the trails remain open for your use from dawn to dusk, seven days a week.  So get out and enjoy the fresh air, stay healthy, and hopefully we will be able to add more programs in the near future!


Fall Programs Begin on September 9


Wild About Blue: Please Support the Event by Joining the Honorary Committee