Scouts hold Klondike Derby February 4 and 5

If you come to visit Camp Saratoga this weekend you may be surprised to find it filled with Boy Scouts!!  The Twin Rivers Council is holding a Klondike Derby and Wilton Troop 4024 is the host troop. Scouts will be camping out overnight and participating in lots of fun challenges.The trails at Camp Saratoga will be open to the public and parking will be available at Parking Lot #1 on Scout Road.  While there will be Road Closed barriers set up on Scout Road, that is just to limit the through traffic on Scout Road.  Park users will still be allowed through to go to Parking Lot #1Please be aware that the trail conditions are still icy and we recommend using some kind of traction, like microspikes.


Trail Report 2/2/2017


No Weekend Snowshoe or Ski Rentals